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Showing posts from March, 2018

Meditational music

         You can listen to any music which is relaxing , all you have to do is just concentrate on the music            For beginners in Meditation this simple zen meditat tion music will helps you to relax,just give it a try you will like it             downlo ad it using the below provided lin k        


      Meditation is necessary for every human beings to lead a healthy and happy life.       It helps you to stay focused in important situations. In addition to that mediation also has many positive effects.They are as follows 1.Awareness         Regular meditation for a period of 10-30 mins a day will keep a individual more aware than the others. 2.Control          Meditation will helps to control your unnecessary monkey voices inside your head and also to control your emotions. 3.Anger manage ment          It will help you to control your anger. 4.Stress free          Regular Meditation  practise will reduce the stress level and help you to lead a peaceful life 5.Increased memory power          It is scientifically proven that  Meditation will boost your memory power tremendously. 6.Sharpened senses          Meditation practice will make your sense sharper than a normal human being and helps to stay alert 7.Saves Aura          Aura is the energy in eve

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