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      Meditation is necessary for every human beings to lead a healthy and happy life.
      It helps you to stay focused in important situations.

In addition to that mediation also has many positive effects.They are as follows
        Regular meditation for a period of 10-30 mins a day will keep a individual more aware than the others.
         Meditation will helps to control your unnecessary monkey voices inside your head and also to control your emotions.
3.Anger management
         It will help you to control your anger.
4.Stress free
         Regular Meditation  practise will reduce the stress level and help you to lead a peaceful life
5.Increased memory power
         It is scientifically proven that  Meditation will boost your memory power tremendously.
6.Sharpened senses
         Meditation practice will make your sense sharper than a normal human being and helps to stay alert
7.Saves Aura
         Aura is the energy in every living organism . It gets used whenever you uses your senses like feeling the surrounding , seeing a object , smelling a flower , hearing a sound and also for unnecessary thoughts.
          Usually a human mind will think more than one thought at a time , so the aura gets wasted for unnecessary thoughts.The number of thoughts that run per second in your mind is called cycles.
          According to the number of cycles per second the mind has four states namely
             1.Beta state(13 cycles and more)
             2.Alpha state(8-12 cycles)
             3.Theta state(4-8 cycles)
             4.Delta state(1-4 cycles)
When you meditate the number of unnecessary thought will decrease and become less in number and you can achieve the peaceful states(alpha,theta and delta)
                  Aura =1/unnecessary thoughts
Thus when you meditate you are eliminating the unnecessary thoughts and consequently saving your aura.
These are all the positive effects of meditation.
     Now we are going to see about how to perform a simple meditation
1.find a peaceful environment some stretching before meditation to avoid pain in your joints during meditation
3.sit in the right position ( lotus or half lotus position and keep your back straight),if you can't just sit straight in a chair
4.close your eyes
5.observe your breathe and do not control it just observe
6.observe every inhalation and exhalation
7. Do it for 5 mins a day or in any intervals in your daily schedule
8. Increase the time about 5 mins on the other week can go up to whatever time limit
10.this simple meditation will helps you to relax instantly
   This is a simple and effective form of meditation and there are lot more meditation types but the goal of all the meditation is to focus your mind.
      I hope this post will helps you to gain some knowledge about meditation , meet you in the next post.
